Be Square, and be there. Part 3 Penang (Part 1)

Arriving at Penang was a bit hair raising, the Air Asia pilot who thought he was Tom Cruise overshot the small runway and had to pull up before we went straight on in to the river; this is not a good feeling when you are already clenching for all your worth with food poisoning. He circled one more time, then tried to land again, even then he hit the ground quite hard, we were just glad we were going to be off this plane in a few minutes. 

After going through passport control and a trip to the loo, we were met by a large man who looked like a Samoan rugby player who loaded our cases into the minibus and sat us next to an Australian couple. The Australian couple constantly talked about how many time they’d been there and how it was only a short hop for them, all the time I couldn't stop staring at the man who seemed to have no neck and rather sweaty.  After about an hour in heavy traffic, we arrived at the Holiday Inn Penang and we’re dropped off on the "wrong" side of the hotel that didn’t have sea views only inland views, oh well can’t win them all.
We were given our key, told what floor we were on and were the elevator was located, this was to become the bane of our holiday with its constant whining up and down all hours of the day. We complained about it but they said there were no more rooms available because they were renovating the hotel, so we complained again when we got home and got a free night’s stay in any holiday inn.
After unpacking we decided to go out and get something to eat and where best to start than the huge pirate ship across the road. We walked in and stood by the door waiting to be seated, ten minutes later we were still stood there, so we left  never to return and went next door. This restaurant we didn’t stay in long either, it was one of those were the fish are in tanks and you choose the one you want to eat and they cook it there and then, this didn’t appeal to us, so once again we left and found somewhere else, a nice north African restaurant in Asia!

After our meal we went and looked at the night market that ran alongside the main coast road as far as the eye could see, and sold a copy of everything you could ever want. Some of the copies were really good not like the cheap ones you get in Thailand and the usual haggling was par for the course. As we were strolling along looking around the market we saw the no neck Australian in a vest, coming towards us at pace, weaving in and out of the crowd, dripping in sweat and looking like his head big red head was going to explode; we immediately popped behind one of the market stalls, and hid until he had passed, we continued to be on our guard until we arrived back at the hotel.

The next day we wanted to go up to Penang Hill but we're informed it was closed for repairs so decided to go to the Asia Heights Tou Mu Keong Temple instead but first we had to find the right bus. After much searching in Georgetown bus station we managed to find the right bus and twenty minutes later we were there, or so we thought. First there was a long walk in the stifling heat, then we had to make our way past the rows and rows of Chinese tat. Finally we got there and had a good look around, it was very nice and ornate but not much else to do. So after half an hour, it was back down again, on the bus and back to Georgetown for a look around and start the epic journey of finding me a birthday present. 

We visited the shopping mall that is located under the circular tower block that dominates the skyline, and after much searching, found nothing. So we decided to get the bus and visit Gurney Plaza shopping mall nearer our hotel, further down the coast. This place was quite big so we were hopeful and after visiting nearly every shop finally found a pair of Adidas Dragon trainers in blue which I hadn't seen before in the UK. We headed back on the packed bus listening to some Australians from our hotel going about crime everywhere, we christened this couple "law and order" and called them it every time we saw them. Further down the coast on the packed bus, a Malaysian man got on wearing exactly the same Adidas T-Shirt as me, then stood next to me and we both looked at each other and nodded, very bizarre! Later that evening we went out to look for something to eat, and saw signs saying "chicken chop" everywhere, but that didn't sound at all appealing, how wrong we were, we later learnt it was like KFC, only better, so we settled for some noodles instead. 
Afterwards we went for a walk along the road by the hotel and bought some Lacoste Polo shirts at a fraction of the price after much haggling; now we decided to book a trip using our new found bargaining skills. We booked a day trip to go and see the Orangutans on an island  and then a tour of Penang all with our own guide and private car. The next day he met us outside the hotel at eight and then we were off, first he took us to his friends chocolate shop but we weren't interested at that time of day. Then we headed off over the Penang bridge and down the motorway on the mainland as if we were being driven by Lewis Hamilton, while pointing out the local landmarks. We arrived an hour later at Bukit Merah and our driver went and got our tickets and then arranged a place to meet back up later.  
To see the Orangutans we had to get the boat with about twenty other people, and make the short fifteen minute trip to the Island, it seemed like we were in the movie King Kong. Once on the island you follow the designated path all the while watching the Orangutans playing in the trees and on the beach, further up there's a building that houses the nursery, where you can watch them play. It's quite good if you like Orangutans but there's not much else to do and it is only small, the ticket also allows you access to the theme park so you can have a good day out there as well. Trish and I went back over to the park and had a sandwich before seeing what there is to do. All refreshed we decided to go on the overhead chairlift that goes around the park and get a better view of what there is to do. Once we had done a lap of the park we decided to give it a miss as we don’t like theme parks and we could go and visit somewhere else we wanted to see.

On the way back our driver took us to OE Fine Jewellery, a company of German origin with an factory outlet in Penang and KL, that allows you to go round the factory floor watching the jewellers make fabulous and expensive works of art. After the tour you can purchase the jewellery or leave without obligation, Trish purchased a beautiful bracelet that still looks great today.
The driver then took us to the Penang Museum & Art Gallery where it had on display the history of the island and its people, it was surprisingly interesting and had some great artefacts and some unusual cars outside. 
Then it was on to Fort Cornwallis, the largest standing fort in Malaysia, built in the 1700's, right by the sea, it was worth a visit for half an hour, as it had the novelty value of getting your picture taken in jail or by the big cannon.
We had one last place to visit, the jetty, down by the bus station where people live in traditional style housing on jetties built on stilts over the sea. There you can walk down narrow passageways, trying to avoid the gaps in the planks on the floor, while also trying to have a glance in the houses either side without upsetting the locals. At the end of the jetty it has great views of the bridge and surrounding areas, but still it must be quite scary when high tides and typhoon hits the area in monsoon season. 

After our jam packed day out, it was back to the hotel, but first stopping at a pharmacy for some more Imodium and what can only be described as lumps of burnt wood, charcoal tablets.
The next day we were off to Langkawi, we decided back home to sacrifice two days in Penang to see this beautiful island. It only cost us £20 each return with AirAsia for the 35 minute flight and £40 for the room for two days, at that price it was worth a visit to paradise.
