
Showing posts from July, 2015

Be Square, and be there. Part 3 Penang (Part 2)

Returning back to Penang was like visiting an old friend, it was like we had never been away, although we did notice the traffic was a lot worse than in Langkawi . It took us about an hour and a half to get back to the hotel due to the peak hour traffic and when we asked at reception for our key, they didn’t even notice we had been away, even though we told them!  Early evening we decided to go for a walk to see a waterfall that was signposted by the side of the road. There was an opening in to a field leading to a dusty path, and the occasional sign saying “waterfall this way”, after about five minutes and the sound of large dogs getting ever nearer, we bumped into Anthony. Anthony was about twenty five and told us he ran one of the bars we had just passed with his wife, and told us to pop in on the way back, we asked him about the waterfall and he said it wasn’t far just follow the path and don’t worry about the dogs. We said we’ll see him later and continued for about two more minut

Be Square, and be there. Langkawi Room with no view

On arriving in Langkawi it was very humid and overcast, and the airport did look like it was capable of taken large aeroplanes. We only had hand luggage so there was no waiting around for us, we hailed a taxi and showed the driver our address and headed straight into town five minutes away. The town of Kuah wasn’t very big and it looked more like a typical Australian suburb than an Asian paradise. The driver pulled up outside our hotel, " Azio " and pointed the way, we went up the spotless white ceramic stairs to the first floor and approached reception. After taking our passport details the two receptionists smiled and told us our room was down the corridor on the right. Opening the door something hit us straight away, the room had no windows and the bathroom was three glass walls and a door, what you gained in privacy from having no windows, you lost with the bathroom, at least it had a curtain, oh the irony. We ditched our bags and went out immediately, what was the p